Thursday, June 2, 2016

GDBB 4 - International Migration

Use one of the current events sources linked at to find at least 2 recent news article that relate to, support, or refute Chamie's explanation of international migration.  Your comment should include the titles of and links to the news article.  Then, briefly summarize these articles with an explanation of how these sources relate to the arguments presented in the briefing book.  Don't forget to check your rubric for evaluation criteria!


  1. The first article describes Obama’s recent plan regarding illegal immigrants. His plan divided the immigrants that would remain in the U.S. into three groups. First, he allowed unauthorized parents of children born in the U.S. to remain in the country. Secondly, he allowed people who were brought to the country as children since 2007 to stay in the country. Finally, he allowed children brought to the country before 2010 to remain. However, these plans were not passed as it allowed a majority of illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. Illegal immigration currently makes up a fourth of all immigrants in the U.S. In addition, the number of legal immigrants has significantly declined since 2007, proving that illegal immigration has greatly increased since then. Overall, illegal immigration is considered a concern by many political figures. (“Supreme Court’s Decision on Immigration Case Affects Millions of Unauthorized Immigrants”

    The second article describes the opinion of some on why the immigration problem is so severe. First of all, some have come to blame illegal immigrants for the unemployment, low wages, and violent crime in the U.S. Secondly, some have argued that the U.S. citizen’s taxes will be raised in order to pay for the healthcare, education, and welfare of the illegal immigrants. However, immigrants do provide the U.S. with the advantage of a growing population as well as one that is not significantly aging. Overall, many U.S. citizens have complaints regarding illegal immigration although there are also some benefits. (“Donald Trump on Immigration Reform”

    The two articles previously mentioned significantly support Joseph Chamie’s “International migration.” All of the articles provide examples of problems caused by the illegal immigration including lowered legalization rate. Both of the articles in addition to “International migration” provide frequently considered method of removing illegal immigration from the U.S. including walls, drones, and documentation. Overall, all of the sources consider illegal immigration something that needs to be resolved but it will take time and money to do so.

  2. The main idea of this article is to share Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s plan to eliminate potentially harmful immigration. It is clear from the title that Trump believes in extreme movements to end terrorism. From the beginning of his campaign Trump has said he wants to put a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, and shortly after the Orlando shooting he reiterated his position on Muslim immigration. During his speech in New Hampshire he indicated that the parents of Omar Mateen, who was identified as the gunman in Orlando, would not have been able to enter the US if his restriction were in place. Mateen, however, was a US citizen and Trump’s proposed ban would not have stopped him personally. This is a similar response to the one Trump gave after the San Bernardino shooting last year. During a speech after the San Bernardino attack Trump blamed Muslim communities for not reporting people they knew could be potentially dangerous. However, the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gave a speech regarding the Orlando attack and in her speech she included hidden comments about how Trump’s policy is not what is best for America. Clinton added an observation of G.W. Bush’s reaction to the September 11, 2001 attack and how he proceeded to visit a Muslim community center to show unity against radicals, but not against all Muslim people. Overall, the article brings the immigration opinions of both presidential nominees into light. (“Trump Call To Ban Immigration From Countries With ‘Proven History Of Terrorism’”

    Immigration is a widely debated issue for politicians including President Obama. Recently Obama tried to protect masses of immigrants from being deported, and after a tie in the Supreme Court a ruling from a lower court that suspended his efforts has been chosen as the interim ruling. Obama has been working for years to develop plans that protect children who have been brought into the United States illegally and recently working to protect their parents. For the time being no further decisions have been made about Obama’s proposed protection of illegal immigrants. (“With High Court evenly Split, Obama’s Immigration Actions Remain On Hold”

    In “International Migration” by Joseph Chamie it is mentioned that many people are afraid to grant immigrants entry to their country. The first article gives an example of a specific situation that makes citizens weary of allowing masses of immigrants into their country. The second article makes a connection to the pros and cons list in “International Migration”. The reason Obama’s plan has not gotten a clear answer is because there are positives and negatives to accepting or rejecting his policy.

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  4. A Few Simple Truths on Immigration
    The first truth the article talks about is that while Americans are divided on immigration it is not nearly as much as it appears. About 59% of people agree that immigrants are good for the country and three fourths say they should be legalized as long as they meet a few conditions. Another truth is that immigrants are less likely to become criminals than people born in the US. One man quoted, stated how the people who have served in the US have been from all different backgrounds and eluded to the fact that some may have been immigrants fighting for the US.

    1,000 Migrants cross the Med to Italy since Tuesday
    The articles goes into depth on how large the immigration crisis is in Italy. Italy is right on the Mediterranean so when immigrants cross the Sea many land in Italy. Italy has been trying to dissuade immigration by giving the real story on the dangers of it. Three thousand people have died this year trying to make the passage. Italy alone has sheltered 90,000 migrants this year. Already a little over a quarter million migrants have gone to Europe from Northern Africa this year. In three days alone a thousand came over.

    The first article appeared to be for immigration, as long as there was some regulation. It agreed with the pro side of the argument made by Joseph Chamie. It pointed out that some of the misconceptions of immigrants are false. The article gave more of the public's opinion on the matter than Chamie’s article did. The second article illustrates the difficulties that an individual country like Italy is dealing with in the immigration issue. The article shows the cons side of so many migrants trying to make such a dangerous journey. It does not only talk of the cons it can have on a receiving country, but also about the danger illegal migration poses to the migrant themselves. The first article dismissed some commonly held misconceptions that Chamie did not talk about and the second article told the truth about the massive numbers of immigrants coming to European countries.

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  6. The first article discusses the deaths of many migrating Africans. Many Sub-Saharan Africans have attempted to migrate from Libya to European countries, such as, Italy. In July 2016, over 120 bodies of people trying to migrate from Libya were found on the shores of Libya. One day in July, an organization found 53 bodies of migrants on a shore in Libya. Due to violence and poverty many Africans flee their countries and board unsafe ships in hopes of reaching Europe. However, many of the boats sink, leaving their passengers to drown. There are over 3,000 migrants who have died trying to reach Europe in 2016, and many of them are fleeing from Libya. The problem of trying to keep people from boarding dangerous boats to flee to Europe is still without a solution. (“More than 120 bodies washed ashore near Libyan city” )

    The second article discusses the struggle of Syrian refugees looking to enter Jordan. At the end of June, the final border into Jordan was closed, after a car bombing killed several of Jordan’s soldiers. Jordan officially shut its borders to all Syrian refugees, as well as, all organizations (UNICEF) that were providing food, water, and assistance to refugees. Now, thousands of refugees are waiting to enter Jordan, and hundreds of refugees in Jordan are dying from a lack of food and water. The refugees live in unbearable conditions with no access to running water, electricity, housing, or sanitation. In the five years the Jordan borders were open for refugees, 35,000 refugees were allowed in to one camp, and the number waiting to be let into Jordan has worsened as the borders remained closed. In another camp over 20,000 people were let in, in just five months. The situation is becoming more severe as Jordan tries to protect its people and the number of refugees increase. (“Syrian Refugees Suffering on Jordan’s border”

    In “International Migration,” by Joseph Chamie, Chamie discusses the increase in refugees throughout the world, and the significant increase in migrants in Europe. The first article supports Chamie’s idea of the increase in migrants to Europe. The article explains, how many people flee countries such as Libya, so that they can hopefully reach Europe. It also explains how dangerous the journey to Europe is, especially when smugglers are involved. The second article supports Chamie’s statement about the increase in refugees throughout the world. It shows the dangerous conditions that thousands of refugees live in, and how nations are struggling to assist refugees. Overall, both articles support Chamie’s ideas of the struggles of international migration in the 21st century.

  7. In recent years, immigration has been rising rapidly because of instability in other countries, wars and people looking for a better life, and because of these, immigration has evolved into one of the most important topics in the presidential election. The first article talked about how the flow of immigrants entering the United States has increased rapidly. The article contains statistics such as 13.3 percent of the U.S population being foreign born and the number of immigrants entering the U.S being double that of last year. It also states that 19 million of these foreign born citizens are Hispanic, while 11 million of them are Asian. This shows how much other people around the world will sacrifice to live a better life, and how important immigration can be for others.
    "US immigration back to pre–Great Recession levels, with Asians leading"

    In the second article, it talks about one of the most popular topics related to immigration today, and that is undocumented immigrants. It talks about how there are close to eleven million illegal immigrants in the United States. President Obama used an executive order to help keep these immigrants safe given their undocumented rights. The article also talks about how these immigrants are scared of being taken away from their families and having the freedom they want also taken away from them and their family members, which would be immoral and is what president Obama is trying to prevent.
    "It’s time to legalize all undocumented immigrants"

    I picked these two articles because they both support everything that Joseph Chamie said about immigration. In the first article it talked about how immigration numbers are increasing rapidly, which is what Chamie said. The article also discussed certain countries that had the most immigrants come from, which were China and Mexico. The second article talks about what officials are doing about immigration, and talked about what can potentially be done to decrease illegal immigrants coming into certain countries like the United States, which was also mentioned by Chamie. Both of these articles supported everything that Joseph Chamie talked about in his article.

  8. This article talks about what Joseph Chamie did not touch on very much: the immigrants point of view. This article elaborates on the struggles that immigrants face on a daily basis such as what they risk: "Every day around the world, migrants risk life and limb, incarceration and extortion". Chamie does not touch on this topic very much and focuses on how migration can be a benefit and a disadvantage to the receiving countries. This article also refutes what Chamie said and states the international migration is beneficial and is needed for those who live in dangerous communities. Mallet and Hagen-Zanker state that not allowing migrants to leave their country is a "waste of endless possibilities" and that they deserve to travel freely. They also claim that there are easier and safer ways to allow migrants to come to other countries and live without fear of deportation. ("Migration: Global development'™s biggest good news story ... almost" )

    In contrary to the first article, this article talks about Donald Trump and his plans to close boarders for migrants until further action can take place. In the article, Trump, if elected, states that he will suspend immigration to the United States until he can figure out a new system to apply. Trump quotes that "We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people" rather than the group of illegal immigrants who live in America without contributing to society. In comparison to what Chamie stated in his article, the amount of illegal immigrants coming to the United States is overwhelming to the country, and something needs to be altered so that while helping these migrants, we are also protecting the current citizens of America. ("Trump's Immigration Plan Raises Many Unanswered Questions" )

    These two articles refute and agree with that Joseph Chamie stated in his article "International Migration". The first article disagrees with his statement that the rise of international migrants is a concern to the country and needs to be further regulated. The two authors also feel that the migrants deserve a better life and them not being allowed to leave their countries is wasting their opportunities. However, in the second article, the author talks about how Donald Trump feels that regulating the intake of immigrants to the United States is a very important action. In addition, he also agrees that an overwhelming amount of immigrants is threatening to our country.

  9. The first article starts by discussing the cause and effects of migration. The reason why people move to somewhere is the pull factor. The reason why people move away from a place is the push factor. Some push factors may be: few jobs, war, famine, and other causes. Some pull factors would be: better health care, job opportunities, education, and better safety. The country that is receiving the immigrants experience positive and negative effects. There would be a diverse culture but there may also be overcrowding. ("Population and migration"

    The second article discusses the refugees coming from Syria. It starts off by addressing the concern of some people that some of the refugees coming from the Middle East may be a part of ISIS. It then goes to say that Obama wants to let 10,000 refugees in. Out of the 8,000 already admitted,78% of them have been women and children. This is supposed to ease the people of the U.S. ("It’s now clear that most of the Syrian refugees coming to the United States are women and children"

    The first and second article agree with Chamie because they discuss the causes for migration and the people who leave there country because of war. The first article discusses why people emigrate from their country and the effects it could have. The second articles explains some of the things that people are concerned about with refugees from the Middle East.

    1. Awesome! I love how the first article addresses many of the issues we looked at in unit 1. Good work!

  10. The first article, on Donald Trump's recently shifting stance on immigration, looks at how silly the thought of deporting 11 million illegal immigrants was in the first place. Conservatives thought that no amnesty and deportation was the practical solution to getting rid of illegal immigrants, but it is actually the long and expensive method. Finding and deporting all those immigrants would be far too expensive, even for Trump's wasteful use of money. The hyper-anti-immigration stance may have just been a plot to gain white voters after all ("Anti-immigration crowd should spare us the outrage"

    The second article looks at a humanitarian crisis. Australia's immigration minister intentionally subdued the severity of an abusive refugee camp in Nauru, a Pacific island. The problem with this relating to immigration is that Australia leaves these people in terrible conditions instead of letting them come to Australia, because they do not want to deal with potentially dangerous refugees or smugglers entering their country. This is a major immigration issue that comes up frequently, that nations around the world will have to learn how to adapt to ("Australia's Immigration Minister Plays Down Claims Of Abuse On Refugee Island"

    Both of these articles tie into the idea that the current working class does not want to have to deal with the danger or competition of immigrants, and how dangerous of an idea this is for humanity. The 2nd article also showcases that many nations around the world are still unsure of how to deal with refugees safely, either at their expense or the refugees'.

  11. The number of United Kingdom workers in Europe has passed one million for the first time ever. During the same period that workers from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia increased by 44,000, UK unemployment fell by 52,000. Numbers of workers from outer countries have overall been increasing, and the amount of workers outside the EU remains at 1.21 million. There have been steady increases in the numbers of foreign people working in Europe. ("EU migration: Eastern European workers in UK pass one million"

    The second article states that Scotland was at its highest population last year. The estimated population was around 5.37 million. The migrants coming to Scotland have come from mainly other parts of the United Kingdom. Prior to 2014, the birth to deaths was declining. The changing population will bring challenges and opportunities in the future. ("Scotland's population swelled by migration"

    These two articles agree with Joseph Chamie's article , that population is increasing through migration. Both of these articles demonstrate specific examples that agree with Chamie. The United Kingdom is growing in population, and has many people migrating around Europe. In Scotland the population has recently been increasing, and a main part of that reason is immigration to Scotland. Chamie is obviously correct with nations growing in population, as demonstrated by Europe and specifically Scotland.

  12. In the first article, Turkey and the European Union are growing apart when it comes to the topic of international migration. Turkey is slowing the flow of people trying to leave Greece, so now the migrants that are attempting to leave Syria and go through Greece to get to where they are going cannot get there because of the Turkish law enforcement stopping them. Migrants now do not know what to do and if the European Union and Turkey do not settle on an agreement plan, this situation could escalate even more quickly and could result in a very dangerous dilemma. (Birnbaum, Michael, and Erin Cunningham. "Turkey’s Migrant Deal with Europe May Collapse under Post-coup-attempt Crackdown." The Washington Post, Accessed 23 Aug. 2016.)

    The second article states that international migration is even harder for women than men. This seems plausible due to the large, climbing number of women that are abused and victimized in foreign countries. While some women have stable, salary-based jobs, others are forced to go to extreme measures in order to make enough money to support themselves and their families. The amount of people migrating between countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa are rising mainly because of deathly diseases. However, both the receiving countries and the departing countries of migrants need to work together to find a solution for this crisis. (Buchanan, Emily. "Women 'invisible Face of Migration.'" BBC News, BBC, 6 Sept. 2006,

    Both of these articles, like the article written by Joseph Chamie in the Great Decisions Briefing Book, describe the importance of finding a suitable agreement for all countries about international migration. It is unwise for countries to continue to put off this dilemma since the number of international immigrants continues to rapidly increase.

  13. Article one from The Washington Post discusses Europe's refugee crisis. To start, Germany has taken in over one million migrant, Turkey has taken in over 3 million refugees and Greece is taking in hundreds of thousands two. The countries have strengthened their border and sped up deportations to deal with the flood of people escaping was in Syria. While the article in Great Decisions touches on some specific migrations, it mainly focuses on migration as a whole. The article list reasons such as war, like in Syria, for why people migrate. The article also discusses problems with migration, many of which Europe is experiencing right now.

    The second article by BBC News is about reverse migration. Pakistan is sending Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan. Pakistan allowed Afghan refugees in more than thirty years ago, but have changed their minds since terror threats started occurring. Many Afghan refugees have spent their whole lives in Pakistan so the migration back is a very difficult one. This relates the Great Decision's article about international migration because both articles discuss the challenges with hosting migrants as well as the challenges migrants face.

    Article One Title: Europe’s refugee crisis simmers despite efforts to solve it
    Article One Link:

    Article Two Title: The reverse exodus of Pakistan's Afghan refugees
    Article Two Link:


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