Thursday, September 29, 2016

SJS 2 "Continental Drift: The Disjunction of North and Sub-Saharan Africa"

Over the past few years the differences between northern and sub-Sharan Africa have began to grow. Recently, articles that claim to be written about Africa as a whole focus only on the southern portion of the continent. The differences continue to grow and now literature about a
Africa is becoming divided into two categories. The main reason for the divide is modern politics, however, the fact that people in Northern and Southern Africa do not speak the same language makes it even harder for people to communicate and associate with each other. The cultures also vary substantially, in the north an Arabic culture is becoming more present, but in sub-Saharan Africa the people carry either a more European culture or a culture that is closer to historic African tradition. (Bentahar, Ziad. "Continental Drift: The Disjunction of North and Sub-Saharan
     Africa." Research in African Literatures, no. 42.1, Spring 2011, p. 1.
     Student Resources in Context.)

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