Thursday, December 22, 2016

PDP 7- The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence

                                  PDP 7- The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence

Author Bio- The author of the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence is Ho Chi Ninh, who was born on 1890 and died on 1969. He is the founder of the Vietnamese Communist Party and was also the leader of the Vietnamese nationalist movement. He is very biased towards what he believes in and is particularly biased against France, who he describes is violent and wants to take over Vietnam with no regard to the people and their lives. In other words, he is biased towards France and uses this bias to help support his argument of independence for Vietnam.

Date/Context- This declaration was created before the Cold War and was primarily drafted before World War II. At this time, Vietnam was part of the French Indochina and had been treated poorly by France during the time period, which lasted from 1881 until WWI. Some of the ways France treated Vietnam during this time period is how they built more prisons than schools and how they led to the decline of the economy.

Summary- This article mainly details how much the Vietnamese people wanted independence, and how they were tired of French rule in their lands. One of the things the author emphasized was what the French did to their country, and the negative effects that they brought with them. These include how the French took away "democratic liberty" from their people, which he says is stated as very important in the rights of man and citizen document. Ninh also stated that the French capitalized on the resources located in Vietnam, took away the Vietnamese peoples rights, led to the decline of the economy and destroyed the Middle class, or bourgeoisie in Vietnam. This shows just how important independence was to the Vietnamese people. Ninh also ended the Declaration praising how strong the vietnamese people were during this "French Domination" and called for the independence of Vietnam and support for their cause.

Key Quotation- "The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty."

1 comment:

  1. The “identifying characteristics” of this document were described throughout the writing. The person writing this piece was Ho Chi Minh who was urging his people to fight against any french rule. The document also goes on to describe the time it was drafted in. Both France and Japan had just left vietnam after World War II. The document is from Vietnam after the oppression of both the french and japanese. Ferris did an excellent job of expressing the importance of this document, but he did miss a point that the document outlined. The document was written after the french left and Minh is encouraging the people to rise against any future incursions by France. Other than this the summary captured the main points throughout the writing.


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