Tuesday, December 13, 2016

SJS2- "India's Baby Boomers: Dividend or Disaster?"

Source: Bloom, David E. “India’s Baby Boomers: Dividend or Disaster?” Current History, vol. 110, no. 735, Apr. 2011, pp. 143-49.
Author Credentials: The author of this article, David E. Bloom is very experienced in this field. He is a Professor of Economics and Demography at the Harvard School of Public Health. In addition, he is the director of the Global Demography of Aging. On top of having significant experience in the field of Economics and Demography, Bloom has published numerous book on topics ranging from finances, languages, and technology.
Summary: This article addressed India's sudden growth and then slight decline in population growth over the past few decades. The article suggests that even with the slight decline, India will surpass China as the most highly populated country by the year 2027. This article also talks about the beneficial impacts that the large growth has on the population such as a growth in India's economy. On the other hand, the article addresses how once those of the "baby boom" time period reach working age, there will not be enough jobs for them. In addition, the article discusses the increase in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer, and strokes as the population ages. At the end of the article, a possible solution to the problems facing India are suggested such as making health care more accessible, improving education, and supplying the necessities for the aging India population.
Analysis: Overall, I believe that this is a very good article. It provides significant information that proves the author's point and does not solely rely on the opinions of the author. The author is very experienced in this field of study and proves to have a vast knowledge of this area through the numerous statistics and impressive analyzation of facts. Overall, this is a very reliable and interesting source.

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