Monday, January 9, 2017

PDP 8: The Jamaican Letter

Author Biography: Simon Bolivar was the son of a nobleman and grew up very wealthy. After his parents died, he went to Spain to find a wife and continue his education. He gained leadership of the revolution when Napolean conquested Spain. Now he is a well know person and is often referred to as the "El Liberator"

Date/Context: Bolivar's Jamaican Letter was written during a low point in Spain's history. During the conquest, he seemed help from the United States and France, and got none. He then asked Jamaica  and put them into practice.

Summary: The letter talles about the way many felt during Napoleans conquest of Spain. According to the letter,, they felt that they were "in a position lower than slavery". Many felt that they had lost all of their freedom.  He states that they have lost the complete freedom to even plant crops on their owned land. Bolivar said: "So negative was our existence that I can't find nothing comparable in any other civilized society." Bolivar also states in his letter that he does not agree with the American government and is seeking help from Jamaica. He tells the problems they face and asks for asiatance to bring the country back to what it was.

Key Qutation: "I say: I do not adopt the best system of government, but the one that is most likely to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Kiana did a very good job at describing the document. The date/context could use more specification on how it fits into our study and the history of the world. There could be more specific information on the date, but the context of when the letter is from is very clear. Kiana should proofread more, especially in the summer, because there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes.


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