Sunday, November 20, 2016

TS-Cuban Missile Crisis

TS-Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis had many negative effects upon the world in political, social, and economic areas of interest.


  1. This is a very good thesis containing three points, although it could be a little less vague. Since poitical, social, and economic areas of interest are so broad, you may want to focus on two out of the three or even one of the three. Of course, this depends on how much information is on your topic, so all three of these could work. The thesis provides a good start to find information on the topic.

  2. As Keegan points out, this is a little bit too general to be considered a thesis. Identify specific political, social, or economic factors that were impacted by this event. Also, specify which parts of the world will be addressed in this essay.


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