Sunday, November 20, 2016

TS - Migration's Effect on ISIS

The mass migration of people from the Middle East has allowed ISIS to gain better control of that region because some refugees have joined ISIS, can be a means for ISIS to attack other countries, and this migration crisis takes focus of many other foreign powers away from combating ISIS and to dealing with the exodus from the Middle East.


  1. I think that you have a good topic and thoughts but I feel that your statement is confusing to read and understand. It took me a couple times before I could really understand what you were saying. I would suggest re-wording your statement for clarity. For example, I feel that the section "...because some refugees have joined ISIS, can be a ameans for ISIS..." is a confusing transition.

  2. Great ideas but, as Kiana points out, you need to work on the wording for clarity and flow.


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