Monday, November 7, 2016

RQ-The Cuban Revolution's affect on U.S. and Cuban Political Relationships

How has the Cuban Revolution and specifically the 1960 U.S. trade embargo affected U.S. and Cuban political relationships in both the past and present? *I switched the question from Social to Political*


  1. Sarah's question is an excellent and well put one because of how it considers the causes and effects of the trade embargo and how it is a question that is argumentative and can be answered in multiple ways based on the reader. It is also specific because of how it talks about two countries, Cuba and the United States and the relationship between them based on the Cuban revolution and the 1960 US trade embargo. The only thing I would change would be to specify what she means by the "past and present" by specifying a time period or identifying a date. Other than that, it is a great question that is both open ended and specific.

  2. Good question & excellent comment. Also, since the US & Cuba are states, it may be difficult to define "social relationships."


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