Monday, November 7, 2016

RQ - Accomplishing the United Nation's Sustainable Developmental Goals

Why would the international community have the easiest time achieving Goal 13(taking action to stop climate change) of the Sustainable Developmental Goals and why would Goal 1(ending poverty in all forms) be the hardest to achieve?


  1. I'm assuming that your question is derived from the book's questions, and I'm concerned that you are limiting your options in terms of how you can answer the question. Your question preemptively implies that they are the easiest and hardest goals, which makes answering the question tremendously easy when I know that you can further challenge yourself by making the question less predetermined so that you avoid confirmation bias.

  2. Although your question is a little awkward, I think that you've focused your topic sufficiently to accomplish in a 4-6 page analytical essay. However, since you are addressing this major UN/international initiative be sure to address the broader development goals initiative.

  3. Why has the international community created the Sustainable Developmental Goals and why would achieving Goal 13(taking action to to stop climate change) be the easiest to achieve while Goal 1(ending poverty in all forms) be the hardest?

  4. Why has the United Nations created the Sustainable Developmental Goals and why would achieving Goal 13(taking action to to stop climate change) be the easiest to achieve for the international community, while Goal 1(ending poverty in all forms) the hardest?


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