Monday, November 21, 2016

TS - The French Revolution's Impact on the Haitian Revolution

The French Revolution caused many political and social changes that impacted the Haitian Revolution.


  1. This thesis statement is very specific. Keegan did an excellent job of discussing the 3 major topics he will focus on in his paper, and he presented an argument. The only suggestions I have would be to narrow your topic down slightly and maybe only focus on one or two of the changes not all three because that would require a lot of time and possibly a paper longer than 6 pages. However, I do think your thesis statement is excellent, and it sets up you paper.

  2. As Sarah suggests, you will need to focus your thesis to specific economic, political, and/or social changes that led to the Haitian Revolution. Since you are limited to 4-6 pages, you may need to develop only one or two areas from the French Revolution to thoroughly demonstrate how these led to the revolution in the Caribbean.


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