Monday, November 21, 2016

TS - Globalization

Globalization, a controversial topic which has shaped the world in differing ways in recent history and has helped to undermine geography, has supported many global phenomena that otherwise would not have occurred, such as developing countries having economical relevance on the world stage, culture and ethnic background being far less relevant to determine success, and people around the world being able to experience a variety of lifestyles and cultures with just the touch of a button. On the other hand, globalization has, in many cases, only bolstered the wealth of those who are already rich, been used to exploit the resources of developing countries, and fractured the opportunities for a vanishing middle class in developed countries.


  1. I think that both parts of your thesis were very well written and described your topic well, but you took two different sides on the topic. I'm not sure if two arguments fits into how you plan to write the essay, but I think would be difficult to answer a question and argue two sides. I would maybe take one stance and present the other sides argument, but then prove that side wrong with facts from your stance. Great job overall though!

  2. Audrey makes an excellent point. This reads more like an introduction than a thesis statement. Please focus your argument, take a defined position, and support your position with appropriate evidence.


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