Friday, November 18, 2016

TS: Rwandan and Bosnian Genocides

The Rwandan and Bosnian Genocides contain similarities and differences through their political, economic, and social onsets and impacts.


  1. While I guess the premise of your thesis statement is good, and I'm sure you will have good content later on, this thesis statement is too generic and does not help lead into a good research paper. You need to be more specific (maybe a general statement) for each of your subcategories (political, economic, and social impacts) because you could copy paste the Rwandan and Bosnian Genocide terms out for just about anything and your sentence would still make sense, which should never be the case. The thesis statement should be a brief evaluation of what is to come, but it should also be able to adequately answer your research question.

  2. Antoine makes a good point. You need to provide a bit more specific context for your argument. For example, will you be focusing on the social factors that led to the onset and then the political and economic impacts of these events? Further, will you consider the role of external players (Belgian imperialism in Africa & Cold War machinations in the Balkans) as contributing factors?


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